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Book (stand-alone)Feasibility of anticipatory action in the Pacific Islands region 2024
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No results found.This report seeks to expand the understanding of anticipatory action in Small Island Developing States, with a focus on the geographic and socio-institutional aspects of independent Pacific Island Countries in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. This report provides a summary of regional and selected national contexts and approaches to the building blocks of anticipatory action in the Pacific Island Countries region.Through a combination of workshops and interviews with government agencies, regional organizations, international NGOs, multilateral groups, and country-based participants, the report provides a synthesized context for anticipatory action in the region. A case study section presents the anticipatory action context for Palau, Solomon Islands and Fiji. The discussion and conclusions point towards the feasibility of advancing anticipatory action and the broad governance that will need to be facilitated to formalize anticipatory actions. -
Book (series)Climate resilience pathways of rural households: Evidence from Ethiopia 2018
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No results found.Climate variability and extreme events continue to impose significant challenges to households, particularly to those that are less resilient. By exploring the resilience capacity of rural Ethiopian households after the drought shock occurred in 2011, using panel data, this paper shows important socio-economic and policy determinants of households’ resilience capacity. Three policy indications emerge from the analysis. First, government support programmes, such as the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), appear to sustain households’ resilience by helping them to reach the level of pre-shock total consumption, but have no impact on the food-consumption resilience. Secondly, the “selling out assets strategy” affects positively households’ resilience, but only in terms of food consumption – not total consumption. Finally, the presence of informal institutions, such as social networks providing financial support, sharply increases households’ resilience by helping them to reach preshock levels of both food consumption and total consumption. -
Book (stand-alone)Applying blockchain for climate action in agriculture: state of play and outlook 2021
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No results found.The objective of this study is to provide insights into potentialities, steps, and best practices in applying blockchain technology (BCT) to use cases in agriculture in the context of climate change, to explore the opportunities and challenges in applying the BCT in agricultural sectors with the aims of reducing greenhouse gas emission, increasing carbon sequestration, as well as supporting farmers’ adaptation to climate change. Furthermore, this study also aims to shed light on policy options and propose policy guidance adapted to developing countries on blockchain applications.
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