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DocumentLivestock Service Delivery in Andhra Pradesh: Veterinarians’ Perspective
Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: A Living from Livestock
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No results found.Andhra Pradesh has a strong, well qualified, committed and forward looking State Animal Husbandry Department (AHD). The state has a large network of veterinary infrastructure (veterinary dispensaries, hospitals and polyclinics, rural livestock units, and AI centres) and individuals - professional veterinarians and the para-veterinary staff. However, changing internal and external environments require the animal health and breeding service delivery system to become more dynamic and needs-oriented , financially sustainable, and closer to the ground. Veterinarians are a critical part and major stakeholder of any livestock service delivery system. They are the link with the livestock owners and hence have insights into the ground level reality. To inform the Livestock Service Delivery Reform process in the state of Andhra Pradesh (AP) being facilitated by PPLPI-CALPI, it was important to also get their perspective on the main issues and constraints they faced and to elicit some suggestions on enhancing the quality and reach of the livestock services in the state.
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