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The Codex electronic working groups handbook

FAO & WHO. 2024. The Codex electronic working groups handbook. Codex Alimentarius Commission. Rome. 

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Chairperson's Handbook
    How to chair a subsidiary body of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
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    The Handbook provides guidance to national officials nominated to serve as chairpersons of subsidiary bodies of the Codex Alimentarius Commission — grouping together in one handy place a range of institutional memory, good practices, rules and useful tools for use as a reference by chairpersons as they prepare for and discharge their duties. The number of committees in the Codex system and the way in which they are chaired had demonstrated the need for such an information product. In the form of a Handbook, it serves as a legacy publication, enshrining as a single resource more than a decade of practical knowledge and experience of senior Secretariat officials and the community of experienced Codex chairpersons. The Handbook will contribute to: ensuring the effective and equitable participation of Member State officials in Codex work (capacity-development); enhancing communication with stakeholders (communication); and promoting transparency, neutrality and an open, rules-based approach in the conduct of Codex work. The Handbook is structured to serve as a direct and useful guide for its primary community of users — Codex committee chairpersons — and works hand-in-hand with other resources, guiding chairpersons to participate and build a living community of practice through multiple online resources, such as the Codex Online Commenting System and Codex Chairpersons’ Platform.
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    Book (series)
    Codex Alimentarius - Production animale
    Deuxième édition
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