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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSheep pox (SPP) and goat pox (GTP) 2022
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No results found.Sheep pox and goat pox are viral diseases of sheep and goats characterized by fever, swollen eyelids. eye and nose discharge. generalized skin lesions, papules or nodules, internal lesions in the lungs mainly, breathing difficulties, and death. This leaflet helps farmers, veterinarians, and involved stakeholders, to recognize the clinical signs of both diseases. It also indicates the main routes of transmission. -
DocumentSheep and Goat Production and Marketing Systems in Ethiopia: Characteristics and Strategies for Improvement 2010
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Book (series)Sheep and goats for diverse products and profits 2009
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No results found.SMALL RUMINANTS, SUCH AS SHEEP AND GOATS, FIT WELL INTO SMALLHOLDER FARMING SYSTEMS. Their grazing preferences enable them to feed on weeds, shrubs and other plants that other species of domestic animals tend to refuse. Their small size means they require less space than larger animals and they are less likely to damage and compact soils. They are easier to work with than large ruminants and are cheaper to buy and maintain. Moreover, under the right conditions, they can be quite prolific. The ra nge of products produced by small ruminants is easy to market because demand is high yet largely unfulfilled. Hence there are considerable opportunities for smallholders to use such animals more effectively and efficiently and thus increase their contribution to livelihoods.Sheep and goats are widely distributed throughout the world, but policy-makers and administrators tend to overlook their contributions to the economy, rural and peri-urban livelihoods, the empowerment of women, other marginal ized groups and food security.
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