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Report of the 36th Session of Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Bangkok, Thailand, 5–7 May 2021

FAO. 2021. Report of the Thirty-sixth Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission – Bangkok, Thailand, 5– 7 May 2021. Bangkok.

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    Report of the Thirty-Seventh Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC)
    Qingdao, China, 13–15 June 2023
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    This document is the edited version of the report adopted by the Thirty-seventh Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) convened in Qingdao, China from 13 to 15 June 2023 in hybrid format and hosted by the Chinese Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The Commission endorsed the report of the Seventy-eighth APFIC Executive Committee Meeting, reviewed the intersessional activities of APFIC and of FAO workshops, as well as the report and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Future of APFIC. It was informed of current limitations to the effective function of APFIC. The Commission adopted by consensus the “Resolution for suspension of the activities of the Commission”, i.e. to suspend the activities of the Commission for a period of five years. Following the period of suspension, the procedure for convening a special session will apply. As the Thirty-eighth Session and the Seventy-ninth Executive Committee Meeting have not been scheduled, there was no requirement for a biennial APFIC workplan or budget. This matter will be reopened at the special session should the Commission wish to resume activity and convene the Thirty-eighth Session. The officers of the Commission remain unchanged and will remain incumbent should the special session be convened in 2028 (Chairperson: China; Vice-chairperson: Thailand; Executive Committee: India, Malaysia, the Philippines).
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    Report of the Seventy-seventh Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission
    Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5–7 March 2019
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    This document presents the final report of the Seventy-seventh Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) that was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 5 to 7 March 2019. The Executive Committee: (i) welcomed an update on the progress made on preparing a regional overview of the status and trends of aquaculture and capture fisheries in Asia and the Pacific region and updates on the frameworks used to monitor the implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries; (ii) complimented APFIC on the wide range of activities implemented with its partners and the achievements to date; (iii) reiterated the importance of the small-scale fisheries related value chains in the region and welcomed continued support for the implementation of the SSF Guidelines at the national and regional levels; (iv) agreed that IUU fishing was a continuing issue in the APFIC region and for APFIC member countries; (v) encouraged APFIC members to participate fully in various regional programmes to combat and eliminate IUU fishing that are currently being implemented; (vi) welcomed the continued efforts to implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture; (vii) emphasized the need for APFIC to provide a leadership role in the development of guidelines for sustainable aquaculture; and (viii) discussed preparations for the APFIC 8th Regional Consultative Forum Meeting and the Thirty-sixth APFIC Session to be held in Thailand in March 2020.
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    Summary report on the Seventh APFIC RCFM. Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Thirty-fifth session (APFIC)
    Cebu, the Philippines, 11-13 May 2018
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    The 7th RCFM commenced with the welcome remarks by the Undersecretary and Director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, the Philippines’ Department of Agriculture and the opening remarks by the FAO Representative in the Philippines. The Deputy Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division of the FAO delivered a keynote address on “Sustainable development for resilient blue growth of fisheries and aquaculture” in the Plenary Session, providing a global perspective of the contributions of fisheries and aquaculture to sustainable blue growth and examples of blue growth implementation around the world. The second part of the plenary session reviewed the status and trends and major issues in aquaculture and fisheries and the importance of Blue Growth in this respect.

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