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FAO Philippines Avian Influenza Brief

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    Book (series)
    Chinese-origin H7N9 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza 2017
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    The ability of the H7N9 HPAI virus to infect both humans and poultry raises concern about a possible influenza pandemic and international spread either due to poultry or through wild birds. With the aim to provide sound and up-to-date scientific information for decision-makers globally, a qualitative risk assessment was conducted addressing the potential spread of H7N9 HPAI to unaffected provinces of China, other countries in South-East Asia and beyond during the period May to September 2017, as well as human exposure in affected areas of China where H7N9 HPAI has been reported. Several pathways of virus incursion were considered. Risk assessment is a powerful tool for supporting decision makers and national veterinary authorities to take scientifically sound decision based on the risk-levels assigned. Consequences of H7N9 HPAI can impact livelihoods, food security and poverty in rural areas, extended to all actors involved in poultry value chains. The impact is exacerbated by the pub lic health risk related to this zoonotic virus.
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    Rational use of vaccination for control and prevention of H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza (EMPRES FOCUS ON) 2016
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    Vaccination can play a valuable role in control, prevention and elimination of highly pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) viruses in poultry. However, risk of adverse consequences as well as concerns about availability of sufficient resources to conduct vaccination programmes often restrain countries from embarking on vaccination. This document discusses concerns regarding poultry vaccination for H5 HPAI, with the aim to facilitate decision making in affected countries or those at risk of H5 HP AI incursion. The document contributes to FAO’s Strategic Objective 5 by helping to increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats from HPAI.

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