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ArticleMonitoring the bioeconomy in Uruguay: Sectoral and sustainability assessment
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.Strategies for the development of economies aim at transforming them towards a sustainable bioeconomy based on the sustainable use of biological resources. This article presents a method developed by Thünen Institute for the sectoral monitoring of the bioeconomy. Based on national accounts information on economic sectors it is analyzed to which degree economic activities in the sectors are based on biological resources. Subsequently, we examine inputs used in the manufacturing processes of economic activities to determine the bio-based share of the economic activity within the economy as a whole. Our case study present estimates of bio-based shares and sustainability assessment in Uruguay for the years 2012 and 2016. Our preliminary results estimate bio-based shares of around 17% for 2012 and 15% for 2016. Our estimates allow us not only to determine the economic proportion of the bioeconomy within the economy as a whole but also to assess sustainability effects. A possible way to evaluate sustainability effects is through the assessment of selected Sustainable Development Goals as they relate to bioeconomy targets. We therefore applied the bio-based shares obtained to official data on employment, production, and greenhouse gas emissions. Our initial assessment indicates a decrease in bioeconomy-related employment, an increase in value added and production value along with an increase in greenhouse gas emissions from 2012 to 2016. Our preliminary results reveal that calculations for economic and environmental indicators can be estimated but mostly at aggregated levels since disaggregated data for the calculation of bio-based shares remains scattered and incomplete. To further bioeconomy monitoring efforts it is therefore necessary to secure regularly updated disaggregated data. Keywords: Bioeconomy, Bio-based shares, Sustainability Indicators, Data collection, Monitoring ID: 3623037 -
DocumentUruguay: Marco de Programación País para la cooperación de la FAO en Uruguay 2011-2015 2011
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No results found.El CPF 2011-2015 busca dar continuidad en general al Marco de Prioridades anterior, ajustando el contenido de algunas áreas en función de las nuevas prioridades definidas por la administración gubernamental actual, y agregando algunos contenidos temáticos en función de las nuevas definiciones. En su elaboración se buscó identificar en forma precisa las prioridades para la cooperación técnica de la FAO en el país, de forma de alinear las acciones de la Organización en función de prioridades clara mente establecidas y consensuadas con el Gobierno y en consonancia con las prioridades identificadas en el UNDAF 2011-2015 por todas las agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas en Uruguay. La FAO, como -
Book (series)Report of the FAO Workshop on Implementing the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, Montevideo, Uruguay, 29 September - 3 October 2014 / Informe del Taller FAO para la Implementación del Acuerdo sobre Medidas del Estado Rector del Puerto Destinadas a Prevenir, Desalentar y Eliminar la Pesca Ilegal, no Declarada y no Reglamentada, Montevideo, Uruguay, 29 de septiembre-3 de octubre 2014 2016
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No results found.The FAO Workshop on Implementing the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (the Agreement) that was held at the Four Points Hotel in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 29 September to 3 October 2014. The workshop focused on the implementation of the Agreement from the policy, legal, institutional, capacity development, and operations standpoints. Following a short introduction, participants were briefed on the status of the Agreement in the Latin American and Caribbean region and were informed that two countries of this region, namely Chile and Uruguay, had already ratified the Agreement. The need to implement the Agreement, both at the global and the regional levels, was stressed. Key provisions for the implementation of the Agreement were highlighted at the workshop along with the role of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) in supporting implementation of port State measures. The questionnaire that had bee n distributed to participating countries in advance of the workshop, with the purpose of improving their understanding of present practices, procedures and legal frameworks of countries in the region on port State measures, was analysed to ensure that recommendations to be made for the region were based on a sound knowledge basis. The role of fisheries managers and inspectors in implementing the Agreement was also highlighted. Participatory activities in working groups were conducted which led t o the formulation of recommendations both at the regional and national levels. Opportunities for regional cooperation among countries were also addressed. The evaluation of the workshop by the participants was positive. Funding for the workshop was provided by the Norwegian Government through the project "Support to the effective application of 2009 FAO Agreement on port State measures to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing" (GCP/GLO/515/NOR).
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