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Science, Technology and Innovation for Climate Action

Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture

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    FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023: Science and innovation for climate action
    Summary report
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    This comprehensive report provides an overview of the objectives, speakers, and outcomes of each session of the second edition of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum (SIF) 2023. The SIF, a pivotal component of the annual flagship World Food Forum, unfolded from 18 to 20 October 2023 at FAO headquarters.Centered around the theme of leveraging science and innovation for the transformative enhancement of agrifood systems in the context of climate action, the Forum fostered discussions aimed at identifying concrete actions. It served as a platform for strategic deliberations on the nuanced ways in which science, technology, and innovation contribute to vulnerability, impact, and capacities, crucial for reshaping agrifood systems and bolstering climate action.Noteworthy attendance marked the event, with a total of 8 967 registrants, comprising 4 000 in-person participants and 7 153 virtual attendees representing diverse global backgrounds. The Forum featured the insights and perspectives of nearly 150 speakers drawn from academia, research, business, government, non-governmental organizations, farmers' organizations, young entrepreneurs, and Indigenous Peoples. These experts actively contributed to the discourse through engaging roundtables and panel discussions.
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    Case studies of agrifood systems technologies and innovations for climate action at country level
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    Climate change is having a devastating effect on many of the world’s agrifood systems and the communities that rely on them for their livelihoods. This compendium contains summaries of forty case studies, from a total of over two hundred submitted to FAO for the Science and Innovation Forum 2023, that describe innovative efforts that have been made to address some of the challenges arising from climate change. The cases described are from low and middle income countries but climate change affects agriculture in its broadest sense, irrespective of the region where it is practised. Case studies were received from all regions and selection for inclusion was based on several important criteria – equity, adversity, innovativeness and the extent to which a case addressed problems experienced by women and youth.
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    Unlocking the potential of agriculture innovation for family farmers - Thematic catalogue for smallholder farmers to promote innovation 2018
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    TECA is an FAO online platform for the exchange and sharing of agricultural technologies and practices for smallholder farmers and producers. The platform facilitates the transformation process in rural areas by making relevant and innovative technologies available to farmers in the field. In doing so, TECA further enhances the access to knowledge of smallholder producers in rural areas increasing their capacity to innovate and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This catalogue promotes a set of successful innovations for farmers on the occasion of the FAO International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers: Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, which will be celebrated in FAO Headquarters on 2123 November 2018. The technologies presented are concrete actions that have solved specific development challenges and promote sustainable and inclusive rural transformations. The technologies and practices are designed following the FAOTECA platform standards and have been tested and refined in the field. Each practice supports smallholder farmers and those providing advisory services to agricultural producers, to identify specific needs, select the correct practices and to implement technologies adequately. Developed with the help of FAO in cooperation with the FAO Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and other key partners, the GIZ, ICRAF, IFOAM and Swisscontact, this catalogue aims at illustrating how sharing knowledge may unlock innovation throughout the farming process.

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