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Book (stand-alone)Guide to Good Practice in Contract Labour in Forestry 2011
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No results found.One aspect of the social pillar of sustainable forest management, which has so far received little attention at the policy level, is the forest workforce. There has been little recognition at the international level of the obvious fact that sustainable forestry requires a sustainable work force. Increasingly, forestry operations, -notably harvesting- are carried out by contractors. These are often small or very small enterprises, which therefore face major challenges in terms of occupa tional safety and health and economic viability as they lack a strong structure of cooperation and mutual support. A team of specialists was set up under the integrated programme of the UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission to address this issue. This team, led by Edgar Kastenholz of ENFE, has drawn up a Guide to Good Practice in Contract Labour in Forestry, intended to help these contractors, and those working with them, to understand the issues, and functi on in a truly sustainable way. The Guide is based on European and North American conditions, but many of its suggestions are applicable elsewhere. We hope that this good practice guide will take its place alongside other good practice guides prepared by FAO and its partners as a very practical contribution towards achieving sustainable forest management. We take this opportunity to thank the team members for their work in opening up a new field of activity and drawing attention to a range of issues which need attention, but which, as this Guide shows, may also be solved by applying basic principles and learning from the experience of others. The work was supported from the FAO staff side by Joachim Lorbach. -
MeetingStrategic plan of the UNECE/FAO integrated programme of work on timber and forestry 2008-2013 - Addendum: Future work on forests and climate change
Thirty-fourth session, Rome, 21-24 October 2008
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