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Non-wood forest products from conifers

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Non-wood forest products In 15 countries of Tropical Asia
    An overview
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    This regional study presents an overview of the socio-economic importance of the use of non-wood forest products (NWFP) in 15 countries of Tropical Asia. The document consists of two main parts: (1) presentation of background information on the programme activities and methodology and an analysis of the available information at the regional level; and (2) presentation of data on NWFP at the national level (so-called "country profiles").
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    Book (series)
    Non-wood forest products in international statistical systems 2017
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    This report compares the international statistics on non-wood forest products (NWFPs) by review-ing the three main international statistical classifications: the Harmonized System (HS), the Central Product Classification (CPC) and the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). It dis-cusses specific issues in linking major NWFPs across the three reference systems, as well as how countries deal with these issues. It proposes ways for improving the international classification sys-te ms and presents some of their main NWFPs. Each product group is fully described in the annex-es, which provide information on where it is situated in the existing international classifications, as well as production and international trade data sources. The intention of this paper is not to reinvent a statistical system of NWFPs, but rather to provide information on NWFPs in the existing national/international statistical systems so that users can compile national/regional/international statist ics on NWFPs according to their assessment needs. This report does not provide an exhaustive listing and description of all NWFPs, but does show some of the main products. Nevertheless, this document, the first among a series, provides a pic-ture, based on available data, which can be a starting point for improving statistics on NWFPs.

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