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DocumentFood Prices in Africa: Quarterly Bulletin - June 2010
Regional Price Update and Responses
2010Also available in:
No results found.Gives an updated on Regional food prices and shows that they have stabilized as result of favourable climate conditions and downward seasonal trends. Indicates that responses to countries affected by food shortages, such as Niger, Sudan and Somalia, will need to be strengthened in order to avoid prolonged crises. -
DocumentFood Prices and Food Security in Trinidad and Tobago 2007
Also available in:
No results found.The economy of Trinidad and Tobago is booming, in particular as a consequence of increased energy production and the historical high oil prices. Whilst general inflation has remained relatively low for much of the present economic boom, substantial increases in retail food prices have been observed, in particular since 2005. This paper looks at the development of retail food prices, its causes, the potential impact thereof in terms of food security and possible policy options for addressing this . It concludes that whilst households with low income are the groups most affected by the food price increases and will continue to be so in the wake of increasing international prices, it is unlikely that the price increases in isolation will throw off Trinidad and Tobago’s path towards meeting the MDG 1 hunger target and bringing the share of undernourished people down to 6.5% by 2015. However, food security problems will remain, in particular related to overweight and obesity caused by unbala nced diets. Analysing the food marketing systems according to domestic production system (export versus domestic consumption), product type (fresh versus frozen and processed) and origins (imported versus domestic), the paper identifies potential causes of price increases. These include increases in price margins, international price changes and market conditions that vary greatly for different commodities, ranging from competitive to oligopolistic. Finally, the paper identifies areas of potent ial interventions related to direct price interventions, social protection, agricultural investment and trade facilitation. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetPrice support measurement and food security
The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2015–16
2015Also available in:
No results found.A range of methods are used for measuring agricultural price distortions. The approaches are broadly similar, insofar as they calculate the extent to which prices are elevated or suppressed relative to a benchmark “undistorted” price. However, there are significant differences in the precise methods of calculation. This note raises some methodological issues and considers the effectiveness of the measures in informing policy debates and decisions relating to food security.
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