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Book (stand-alone)Strategic roadmap of surveillance for fisheries resources
Fisheries management areas 712, 713, 714 and 573 in Indonesia
2024Also available in:
No results found.This strategic plan (roadmap) of surveillance was developed to assist policymakers with initiatives to improve monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in four Indonesian FMAs: 712, 713, 714 and 573. The roadmap development was informed by a previous study on MCS stocktaking effort in the same areas. The four fishing management areas (FMAs) are under the management of 18 provincial administrations, striving to enhance institutional capacity, measurable fisheries management and combating IUU fishing in their respective areas.The MCS roadmap identified the main issues in the four FMAs, the main MCS-related challenges, strategies and recommendations. It divided the MCS efforts into four dimensions, namely before fishing, during fishing, landing and after landing with all relevant ministries, institutions/organizations involved as the key stakeholders in each dimension. The roadmap proposes seven strategies, namely (i.) digital transformation and technology adoption, (ii.) innovation in resource sourcing and budget allocation at both central and regional levels for surveillance and resource management, (iii.) policy harmonization and integration, (iv.) self-reporting innovation, certification and rating systems, (v.) capacity building and human resource distribution, (vi.) institutional and programme integration and (vii.) infrastructure and facility capacity enhancement.Some of the recommendations for the four FMAs including initiatives to optimizing the MCS efforts, innovative funding sources and budget reformation, enhancing the role of the Marine and Fisheries Crime Handling Coordination Forum (TPKP) at the provincial level and strengthening the role of Pokmaswas (Community Monitoring Groups), among others. The roadmap development was part of the FAO/GEF-supported Indonesian Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (ISLME) project. -
Book (stand-alone)Monitoring, control, and surveillance of deep-sea fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction 2020
Also available in:
No results found.This document provides an overview of the international framework for monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS), compliance and enforcement in deep-sea fisheries in the ABNJ. It also provides an overview of the RFMO/As with a conservation and management mandate for deep-sea species and summarizes the MCS systems and processes implemented by these groups. This document highlights the need for the development of MCS strategy, best-practice data management, capacity building, and compliance evaluation to effectively implement MCS. The final part of this document describes and discusses the IUU vessel listing measures and procedures of the deep-sea RFMO/As, other relevant IUU initiatives and recommendations to improve the IUU listing measures and procedures of the deep-sea RFMO/As. -
MeetingCombating IUU fishing through monitoring, control and surveillance, port States measures and other means
<i>Meeting document COFI/2007/7</i>
2007Also available in:
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