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Pulses boost soil biodiversity

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Pulses and Biodiversity 2021
    Pulses are able to increase biodiversity as they are able to fix their own nitrogen into the soil, which increases soil fertility. It is estimated that there are hundreds of varieties of pulses, including many local varieties that are not exported or grown worldwide.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Soils and pulses: symbiosis for life 2016
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    This booklet aims to introduce the reader to the importance of preserving our soil resources by attending to the reciprocal relationship between soils and pulses. The ecosystem services provided by soil are presented together with the role of pulses in improving soil health, adapting to and mitigating climate change, and ultimately contributing to food security and nutrition. The book also discusses the role of pulses in restoring degraded soils and their contribution to pursuing the practice of sustainable soil management.
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    Infographic - Pulses and Biodiversity 2021
    Fifth in a series of infographics based on the five fact sheets produced for the International Year of Pulses. This infographic outlines pulses’ ability to increase biodiversity and illustrates the benefits of the variety of pulses, including many which are local and are not exported or grown worldwide.

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