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PRG - 10th session (2014)

Meeting report

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    WECAFC Report of the fifteenth session of the Commission, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 26 - 28 March 2014 / COPACO Rapport de la quinzième session de la Commission, Port of Spain, Trinité et Tobago, 26 - 28 mars 2014 / COPACO Informe de la decimoquinta reunión de la Comisión, Puerto España, Trinidad y Tobago, 26 - 28 de marzo de 2014 2014
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    The fifteenth session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) was held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from 26 to 28 March 2014. The session was attended by 29 members of the Commission. Observers from five regional fishery bodies (RFBs) and five intergovernmental organizations also participated. The Commission adopted four regional fisheries management recommendations respectively on: 1) spawning aggregations of groupers and snappers, 2) the use of fish aggregating de vices, 3) Queen Conch management and conservation and 4) fisheries management planning. The Commission also adopted five resolutions on 1) illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, 2) the Regional Strategy for the Control of Invasive Lionfish, 3) the implementation of voluntary guidelines on Small-scale fisheries and Tenure, 4) the implementation of the Port state Measures Agreement and the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on flag State performance and 5) the strategic action programme for the sustainable management of the shared living marine resources of the Caribbean and north Brazil shelf large marine ecosystems. The Commission thanked FAO for the Performance Review of WECAFC, adopted the WECAFC Strategic Plan 2014–2020, approved the Programme of Work (2014–15), maintained the seven joint working groups and established three new working groups, endorsed the WECAFC–FIRMS partnership, adopted the revised Rules of Procedures and discussed the options for strategic reorientation of th e Commission. No decision was taken on starting a transition process of WECAFC into a Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO), as members required additional information
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    Book (series)
    Report on the Extraordinary Session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of Africa. Lusaka, Zambia, 1–2 December 2014 / Rapport de la session extraordinaire du Comité des pêches continentales et de l’aquaculture pour l’Afrique. Lusaka, Zambie, 1-2 décembre 2014 2015
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    This document is the report of the extraordinary session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of Africa (CIFAA), which was held in Lusaka, Zambia, from 1 to 2 December 2014.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the sixteenth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. St. Julian’s, Malta, 17–20 March 2014 / Rapport de la seizième session du Comité scientifique consultatif. Saint Julien, Malte, Malte, 17-20 mars 2014 2015
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    The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) held its sixteenth session in St. Julian’s, Malta, from 17 to 20 March 2014. The session was attended by 18 Contracting Parties, 7 observers, representatives of the FAO regional projects and the GFCM Secretariat. The Committee reviewed the issues addressed at 15 meetings held during the 2013–2014 intersession, including those of the four subcommittees and the Framework Programme (FWP). The ma in issues tackled included: i) scientific advice on the status of stocks, including proposals to improve the advice provided to the Commission; ii) analysis of research activities by Member Countries; iii) updates on the development of the GFCM Data Collection Reference Framework (DCRF); iv) updates on the development of management plans for Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and v) follow-up activities addressing SAC priorities, such as indicators on the state of marine populations, small-sc ale fisheries and the fight against IUU. The Committee highlighted the importance of establishing a GFCM DCRF and submitted its proposal for the consideration of the Commission. Also, it launched the preparation of a concept note for a regional programme on small scale fisheries, and provided elements for the management of red coral and a number of selected fisheries for the consideration of the Commission. The achievements of the Working Group on the Black Sea, including through its Subregional Group on Stock Assessment for the Black Sea, were appraised. The SAC also agreed on a framework for providing advice and formulated a set of recommendations regarding its functioning. Finally, it agreed upon its work plan for 2014–2015 and elected a new Bureau, paying tribute to the work done by the immediate past members of the Bureau.

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