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ProjectDeveloping an Integrated Sustainable Rice System in Eswatini through South-South Cooperation - GCP/SWA/020/MOR 2022
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Farmers in Eswatini who cultivate Swazi National Land (SNL) do not have access to financing instruments, technology, or irrigation systems. These are contributing factors to the country’s low levels of agricultural productivity. This South South Cooperation project between Eswatini and Morocco was formulated so that Moroccan experts could share their experiences with representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of Eswatini in the areas of agricultural development and irrigation. The project had three main goals: i ) to transfer Moroccan experiences to Eswatini; (ii) to improve water resources and irrigation in Eswatini based on this knowledge transfer; and (iii) to strengthen bilateral relations between the countries. -
ProjectSupport for Development of Organic Rice Farming System in West Kalimantan - TCP/INS/3702 2021
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No results found.Indonesia is currently implementing a national programme entitled Seribu Desa Organik (a thousand organic villages) for rice, horticulture and several estate crops, with the programme on organic rice being conducted by DGFC, MoA As the focal institute, DGFC requested FAO support for the development of organic rice production in the border area of Indonesia and Malaysia in West Kalimantan province Although organic agriculture is familiar to farmers and government bodies in the province, its commercialization is relatively new Current challenges to the implementation of the national programme include the limited capacity of farmers and extension agents, a lack of certification, and inadequate post harvest and marketing facilities Most farmers, farmers’ groups and extension agents lack the technical capacity required for successful organic farming The production inputs approved for organic production are limited and the country has only one certified organic rice institution With regard to post harvest and marketing facilities, no certified organic rice processing and handling facilities or organic trade/market for organic products exist at provincial level Project interventions would focus on improving the efficiency of production and on initiating market demand to establish self sustaining organic rice value chains Where applicable, gender sensitive cultivation practices and tools to reduce gender segregated work and different pay arrangements would be explored, as well as leadership opportunities for women. -
ProjectIntegrated Detection and Management of the Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus (Srbsdv) in Guizhou Province - TCP/CPR/3603 2020
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No results found.In recent years, a new disease has been observed on ricein regions of Guangdong Province and Hainan Province,in southern China. The virus, known as the southern riceblack-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV), is transmitted to riceseedlings mainly by the white-backed planthopper,Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), although itcan also be transmitted by the small brown planthopper(Laodelphax striatellus Fallen). Since 2010, severerepeated outbreaks of SRBSDV have been reported in Liboand Tianzhu County of Guizhou Province. The disease hascaused severe crop damage in around 5 000 ha annually,leading to unprecedented income loss for farmers. If thevirus is not managed, it is likely to spread to otherrice-growing areas in the southern, south-eastern andsouth-west mountainous areas of Guizhou. Local farmers’use of non-target chemical pesticides to manageoutbreaks increases the resistance of rice planthoppersto the pesticides, leading to frequent outbreaks of thedisease and forcing many farmers to abandon ricecultivation. The long-term effective management ofSRBSDV disease and its vector, the rice planthopper, inLibo and Tianzhu is thus a top priority, not only to protectthe livelihoods of poor ethnic minority farmers but alsoto safeguard ecology and biodiversity in the area.
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