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Working Paper 3: Agricultural Water and Soil Management

Formulation and Operationalization of National Action Plan for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development through Agriculture (NAPA)

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    Myanmar is experiencing a time of great changes, with institutional reforms, market liberalization and democratic processes. A new Constitution was adopted in May 2008. This transition lays the space for great opportunities to reduce poverty and inequalities, and to promote an inclusive pattern of development. Indeed, Myanmar presents a wealth of cultural diversity, skills and natural resources and is strategically positioned between India and the People’s Republic of China. However, it still ha s high rates of poverty, especially in rural areas. Myanmar is the poorest country in Southeast Asia, with poverty affecting around 25 percent of the total population; rural areas account for nearly 85 percent of total poverty (IHLCS 2010). Rural poverty is very much linked to households’ access to land and the size of their holdings and their household composition (e.g. age, number of dependents, working age family members). For example, households’ landholdings are smallest in Chin State (0.7 ha on average) which has some of the highest levels of poverty and highest average household size.
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    The threats posed by salt-affected soils to global food security are dire. According to the recent Global salt-affected soils map, over 424 million hectares of topsoil (0–30 cm) and 833 million hectares of subsoil (30–100 cm) are currently salt-affected. This practical guide to soil and water management in salt-affected areas provides vital information to farmers dealing with salinity and sodicity issues on their farms and assists them in following suggested practices to mitigate or/and to adapt to these unfavourable conditions without compromising further losses in yields.
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    The Next Generation Irrigation & Agricultural Water Management program for Asia Pacific addresses the main challenge on issues of irrigation and water management for food security in Asia Pacific - a rapidly deteriorating natural resource base; investment in irrigation infrastructure that fails to utilise best practices; failure to collect data required to manage water resources in the face of water scarcity; gender inequality and social exclusion in irrigation and water management decision making. The purpose of the flyers is to provide information on three ongoing projects to readers.

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