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Book (stand-alone)Report of the WECAFC-FIRMS Data workshop, Christ Church, Barbados, 19-21 January 2016 2016
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No results found.A regional workshop was held in Barbados on 19-21 January 2016 and was attended by thirteen countries (mostly Caribbean Island states), two EU overseas territories, and four regional organizations. This workshop was a cornerstome milestone of the action on “Strengthening national data collection and regional data sharing through FIRMS to support priority regional fishery management plans in the WECAFC area”, funded by EU-DG MARE. The workshop intended to be innovative, addressing the entire data value adding chain from national data collection, through data sharing and analysis at regional level, up to the dissemination of assessment results to the broader public through FIRMS reports. The chosen approach placed the question of statistical data collection (the WHAT) and regional data sharing (the HOW) in respect of the final use (the WHY). The workshop reviewed existing situation regarding current practices, issues and gaps in data collection, processing and dissemination at national l evel. Through prioritization sessions, recommendations were made for achieving the RDB in support to stock assessment and fishery management plans. Practical follow-up actions and road map building as much as possible on existing frameworks and collaborations were endorsed by the participants, with proper identification of responsibilities, resources and time frames. As part of these, recommendations were formulated to ventilate statistics/data/IT related ToRs across existing Species WECAFC-CRF M-OSPESCA working groups and the need for an ad’hoc transversal working group was endorsed by the workshop. -
BookletMeasuring SDG indicator 5.a.1: Individual’s land ownership over agricultural land using data from the Rural Livelihoods Information System (RuLIS)
RuLIS brief
2021Also available in:
No results found.RuLIS is a tool to support policies for reducing rural poverty, jointly developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Statistics Division, the World Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). RuLIS brings together harmonized indicators and comparable data across countries and over time on rural incomes, livelihoods and rural development and allows monitoring the status and progressr of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators. SDG 5.a1 measures women’s ownership rights and control over agricultural land. Through this indicator it is possible to assess the extent of women’s disadvantages in ownership and tenure rights over agricultural land, providing a basis for policy measures aimed at securing women equal opportunities and access to economic resources. This brief is the first analysis that employs a harmonized methodology for measuring tenure rights over agricultural land based on RuLIS data. -
Book (series)Report of the Expert Consultation on Data Formats and Procedures for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. Bergen, Norway, 25 - 27 October 2004 2005
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No results found.The Expert Consultation on Data Formats and Procedures for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, held in Bergen (Norway) in October 2004, made a number of recommendations for more effective harmonization and exchange of fishing vessel information. The experts emphasized that an efficient path to standardized data formats would be the use of existing and developing data sets from the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP). Topics covered at this meeting included: fishing vessel mo nitoring system reporting procedures; licences and fishing authorizations; exchange of catch certificates and trade documents; electronic fishing logbooks; progress made by the CWP; the use of Customs Tariff Codes; and linkages with traceability and ecolabelling.
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