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Sustainability of smallholder tea production in The United Republic of Tanzania - Appendices

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    United RepublIc of Tanzania champions sustainable honey production for better Miombo-Mopane landscapes 2023
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    The Impact Program works across three eco-regions within drylands, namely: the Miombo-Mopane landscapes of Southern Africa, the Savannas of East and West Africa, and the Great steppes of Central Asia. The 11 countries involved will be working towards the achievement of land degradation neutrality through gender responsive sustainable forest and land management best practices and green value chains. This brochure presents the One Country, One Champion Approach in the Tanzania.
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    Enabling Smallholder Access to Finance in United Republic of Tanzania - TCP/URT/3501 2019
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    Rice, the second most important crop in the United Republic of Tanzania, is mostly grown by farmers as a cash crop for local and regional markets. Despite this, farmers operate largely at subsistence level, cultivating between 0.25 and 2 acres on average countrywide, and even less in the project area of Kiroka. The potential to improve production is hampered by low productivity, poor coordination among farmers, poor marketing strategies, and a lack of knowledge and access to investment capital. The project responded to these by increasing the productivity levels of smallholder paddy producers through capacity-building, the introduction of high-yield seed varieties and other inputs, water management practices, the introduction of labour-saving technologies, and good post-harvest management practices and by improving the managerial capacity of smallholder farmers’ organizations

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