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Book (stand-alone)FAO/WHO framework for developing national food safety emergency response plans 2010Many member states have requested that FAO and WHO provide technical assistance in the development of food safety emergency response plans. Reinforcing preparedness, and recognizing and responding rapidly to food safety emergencies are key elements of the food safety emergencyrelated programmes of FAO and WHO, namely the Emergency Prevention System for Food Safety (EMPRES Food Safety) and the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN).
DocumentReport of ASEAN Regional Meeting "Developing National Food Safety Emergency Response Plans – Sharing Experiences and Lessons Learnt
Bangkok, Thailand (27-28 June 2012)
2012Also available in:
No results found.To assist member countries prepare themselves to deal with such food safety emergencies, FAO and WHO prepared a framework for developing National Food Safety Emergency Response (FSER) Plans. To support countries in applying the framework, a pilot for the development of a FSER Plan was carried out in Thailand during 2011-2012. FAO also assisted Bangladesh in developing its Food Safety Emergency Response Plan in 2012 under the project Improving Food Safety, Quality and Food Control in Bangladesh. With these two recent experiences of Thailand and Bangladesh in the region, it was decided to share the experiences in developing FSER Plans with other ASEAN countries, including lessons learnt in the process.
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