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Proceedings of the Seminar on the Production and Exports of Organic Fruit and Vegetables in Asia

A seminar organized by FAO, IFOAM and the EarthNet Foundation - Bangkok, Thailand, 3-5 November 2003

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Implications for developing countries
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    Over the past 20 years the number of standards and certification programmes for agricultural production has grown rapidly. Producers who want to export are confronted not only by a plethora of import regulations, but also within import countries by different niche markets for which specific requirements have to be fulfilled. While the adoption of voluntary standards may grant export opportunities to farmers, they can also be considered barriers to entry for those who cannot apply them either because they are too onerous or because of the lack of knowledge about their requirements. In fact, some producers and exporters increasingly regard private standards as non‑tariff barriers to trade. New and more stringent standards are being developed year after year, and there is an urgent need to determine today, and in the future, the extent to which these govern world trade. This report gives an overview of standards and certification programmes relevant for fruit and v egetable producers and exporters in developing countries with a focus on the markets of the United States and the European Union. In addition, it gives an overview of current analytical work on standards and trade, reviews major assistance programmes related to standards and provides recommendations for further research.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Proceedings of the Fiji/FAO 1997 Asia Pacific Sugar Conference
    Fiji, 29-31 October 1997
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    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREWORD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This publication contains the proceedings of the International Sugar Conference held in Fiji from 29 to 31 October 1997. The Conference was jointly organised by the Government of Fiji and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Conference addressed "Policy issues for Asia a nd the Pacific in the Next Round of Mulitlateral Negotiations." The theoretical outlook, framework and analysis, and background documentation to these issues were prepared by the Sugar and Beverage Group of the Raw Materials, Tropical and Horticultural Products Service, Commodities and Trade Division, FAO. These were published as Conference papers, covering a range of issues and included country studies for the major regional producers and consumers; the quantitative outlook to 2005; the impact of trade liberalisation on the world sugar market; and a discussion on the nurtitional aspects of sugar. Papers were also prepared and presented by internationally renowned speakers from the world sugar trade (Tote and Lyle - Australia; Sparks - United States; Siel Limited - India); grower and miller organizations (the Philippine Sugar Millers Association; the Thai Roong Ruang Group and the Australian Sugar Milling Council); government institutions (USDA and the Queensland Sugar Corporatio n) and other international organizations (World Bank and International Sugar Organization). The keynote addresses were given by the Honourable Mr Militoni Leweniqila, the Fiji Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and ALTA, and Mr J.N. Greenfield, the Director of the Commodities and Trade Division, who also summed up the proceedings.
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    A practical manual for producers and exporters from Asia. Regulations, standards and certification for agricultural exports 2007
    Many producers and exporters feel that the market for certified agricultural products is very complex and that the opportunities and requirements associated with certification programmes are not always clear. In addition, producers do not always know if the requirements are compulsory or voluntary. To assist stakeholders from the private and public sectors, FAO set out to produce a publication series covering various regions in the world – this one covers Asia. The manual is aimed at producer or ganizations, trainers, extension agents and exporters. It describes the import regulations of the main export markets, and major private standards and voluntary certification programmes. The reader is provided with an easy-to-read guide on the main voluntary certification schemes, their importance, the differences between them as well as their advantages and limitations. In order to be able to export his or her products any producer or exporter must also conform with the regulations of importing countries. The manual therefore provides information concerning the main import regulations in the United States of America, the European Union, Japan and other selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Owing to the changing nature of regulations and the diversity of products and their characteristics, numerous Internet addresses have also been provided where up-to-date, detailed information can be found.

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