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Building Climate Resilient Water Resources in Bhutan (BCRWR) - TCP/BHU/3803

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    Innovative Evidence-Based Solutions and Investments in Agrifood Systems Transformation and Rural Development in Bhutan in the Context of Hand-in-Hand Initiative - TCP/BHU/3805 2024
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    Bhutan’s agrifood systems face multifaceted challenges given the country’s mountainous terrain and rugged topographic features. Less than 20 percent of arable land in Bhutan is irrigated and almost 30 percent of arable land is currently left fallow. Yields for almost all crops and livestock produce remain below regional averages and production for most crops has remained stable over the last two decades for such reasons as small landholdings, issues with inputs, little innovation or investment in research and development, low adoption of technology and growing environmental stress. Shifts in farm labour demographics (youth migration from rural to urban areas for employment and education) coupled with an ineffective extension service have further impacted on production, distribution and income generation from food products. Farming has also become more vulnerable as a result of climate change. Post-harvest loss remains high and agriprocessing infrastructure inadequate, while markets and standards continue to be weak. The prevalence of food insecurity and malnutrition is relatively high. Diets, particularly in remote areas, remain poor.
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    Formulation and Review of Fully-Fledged Project Document for "Strengthening Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agriculture Livelihoods in Iraq's Rural Communities" Project - TCP/IRQ/3803 2024
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    Iraq has experienced significant and interconnected political, economic, environmental and security challenges over the past few years, and the effects of climate change are exacerbating the situation. Increased temperatures, outdated irrigation infrastructures, droughts, energy shortage, the lack of skills of both farmers and extension officers and an incomplete policy and strategic framework were the main constraints to climate change adaptation in Iraq, especially, in the farming communities of the central and southern plains. In addition, given that about 25 percent of the target areas’ population is employed in agriculture and produce around 40 percent of the country’s rice, working to stabilize the water supply would contribute to ensure food security and social stability in the country. This project aimed to support Iraq national institutions to develop a full Green Climate Fund (GCF) project to enhance climate resilience of rural livelihoods through climate-adaptive technologies and good farming practices that will stabilize water availability in the governorates of Karbala, Muthanna and Najaf. Through its main output, the drafting of a full funding proposal (FFP), the project aimed to mobilize significant financial resources that will improve the most vulnerable population livelihoods (around 650 000 individuals, among which 321 000 are women). The drafting of the GCF sought to closely engage government entities, researchers and agricultural extension officers, and looked to reach at least 1.9 million farmers to foster their cropping systems under improved institutional arrangements and climate-smart agriculture methodologies and use of land.
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    Appui à la formulation de la proposition de financement du Fonds vert climat (FVC) «amélioration de la résilience climatique dans les steppes et les zones de forêt sèche du barrage vert algérien» - TCP/ALG/3803 2024
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    Le barrage vert algérien, une ceinture forestière visant à stopper l’avancée du désert vers le nord du pays, est confronté aux défis du changement climatique, qui exacerbe la désertification de steppes et zones forestières abritant des millions de petits agriculteurs et éleveurs. Sur requête du Ministère de l’agriculture et du développement rural, le Gouvernement algérien a demandé à la FAO de soutenir la préparation d'une proposition de financement du Fonds vert pour le climat (FVC) afin d’adapter les dispositifs de gouvernance du pays et leur cadre juridique de façon à intégrer les changements climatiques dans les processus programmatiques des secteurs de l’agriculture et de la foresterie. La FAO a rapidement répondu en rédigeant une note conceptuelle et en lançant le processus de demande auprès du FVC. Pour garantir la préparation des documents nécessaires à la finalisation de la proposition financière, le Gouvernement a également sollicité un projet d’assistance technique afin de mobiliser les fonds nécessaires et renforcer les capacités nationales en matière de soumission de projets au FVC. Le projet entendait améliorer la résilience climatique des populations locales grâce à, notamment: i) la réalisation de la proposition de financement «Amélioration de la résilience climatique dans les steppes et les forêts sèches du barrage vert algérien» et sa soumission au FVC pour approbation; ii) la réalisation de consultations nationales pour engager une concertation participative avec le Gouvernement et les parties prenantes à différents niveaux dans les wilayas ciblées (El Bayadh, Naâma, M'Sila, Djelfa, Tébessa et Khenchela).

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