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An Introduction to Stock Assessment Techniques

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    Book (stand-alone)
    GFCM - Report of the Fourth Technical Consultation of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean on Stock Assessment in the Balearic and Gulf of Lions Statistical Divisions. Sidi-Fredj, Algeria, 16-21 November 1985. 231p. 259871-881-Bi. / CGPM - Rapport de la quatrième Consultation technique du Conseil général des pêches pour la Méditerranée sur l'évaluation des stocks dans les divisions statistiques Baléares et golfe du Lion. Sidi-Fredj, Algérie, 16-21 novembre 1985. 1986
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    The meeting reviewed the progress achieved since 1983 1.n the various fields of research recommended by the previous consultation and, in particular, in demersal and pelagic stocks assessment. It also considered the! problem of small scale fisheries assessment and proposed research directives for the intersessional period. A Workshop on simple analytic methods for stock assessment was held in conjunction with the Consultation. It was proposed to orgauize the next consultation in Fuengirola (Mala ga), Spain, in 1987.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment - Part 1: Manual (French version not published) 1998
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    In Part 1, Manual, a selection of methods on fish stock assessment is described in detail, with examples of calculations. Special emphasis is placed on methods based on the analysis of length-frequencies. After a short introduction to statistics, it covers the estimation of growth parameters and mortality rates, virtual population methods, including age-based and length-based cohort analysis, gear selectivity, sampling, prediction models, including Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit model and Thompson and Bell's model, surplus production models, multispecies and multifleet problems, the assessment of migratory stocks, a discussion on stock/recruitment relationships and demersal trawl surveys, including the swept-area method. The manual is completed with a review of stock assessment, where an indication is given of methods to be applied at different levels of availability of input data, a review of relevant computer programs produced by or in cooperation with FAO, and a list of refer ences, including material for further reading. In Part 2, Exercises, a number of exercises is given with solutions. The exercises are directly related to the various chapters and sections of the manual.
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    Book (series)
    Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment - Part 2: Excercises 1999
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    A selection of methods on fish stock assessment is described in detail, with examples of calculations. Special emphasis is placed on methods applicable to tropical fisheries, i.e. those based on the analysis of length-frequencies. After a short introduction to statistics, it covers the estimation of growth parameters and mortality rates, virtual population methods (including length and age based methods), gear selectivity, the yield per recruit model of Beverton and Holt, the estimation of maxim um sustainable yield using surplus production models, multispecies and multifleet problems, the assessment of migratory stocks, a discussion on the stock/recruitment relationship and the execution of demersal trawl surveys. The link between this manual and the length frequency stock assessment (LFSA) package of microcomputer programs is explained. The manual is completed with an extensive list of references (including material for further reading), a list of symbols used, a subject index and a n umber of exercises with solutions. Part 2 gives a number of exercises together with solutions. The exercises are directly related to the various chapters and sections of the manual.

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