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DocumentMetadata application profile for agricultural learning resources 2007
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No results found.Capacity and institution building is a core function of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO has recently started the “Capacity and Institution Building Portal” to provide structured access to information on FAO’s capacity and institution building services and learning resources. To ensure that the Portal can be searched by users and to enable interoperability with other recognized educational repositories, an Application Profile (AP) was created co nforming to available and commonly used standards, to describe agricultural learning resources. This article presents the AP, provides an example of an FAO learning resource described and displayed using FAO Learning Resource AP, and presents the lessons learned. -
Book (stand-alone)Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System [ASFIS]. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Thesaurus. Descriptors Used in the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System 2009
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No results found.The ASFIS Thesaurus has been conceived so as to correspond to the objectives of the ASFIS system. It permits the subject indexing and retrieval of information on all aspects of aquatic sciences and technology, exploitation of living and non-living resources, related policy, social and economic aspects, processing and marketing of aquatic products, as recorded and stored in the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System's ASFA database. So far as can be ascertained, this is the only Thesau rus devoted to this broad field of knowledge. This Revision 3 supersedes the '”Thesaurus of Terms for Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries -
No Thumbnail AvailableMeetingAGRIS - A strategy for an international network for information in agricultural sciences and technology within the WAICENT Framework 2002
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