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GESAMP - تخطيط وإدارة التنمية المستدامة لتربية الأحياء المائية الساحلية

GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection), 2001. Planning and management for sustainable coastal aquaculture development. Rep.Stud.GESAMP, (68)

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    Book (series)
    حالة الموارد السمكية وتربية الأحياء المائية في العالم - 2006 2007
    A? MC’G ? HôJh S?? SC’G ?j? üe ?e pc ? ??J ??Y ?c?J ?e?©dG ?GQGOE’G O ?L âf?c ,I?j?Y O =Y ??e I??c OQG e âë? UCG ?e??Y ,??? f???dG ‘ ?dP ?©Hh .S??à S’Gh ê?àfE’G ‘ ??dG ??? Vh ? F??G S?? SC’G ?j? üe IQGOEG ??Y ?dP ?e ’?H ?c?j ?? S? ùdG »© VGh O??àgG CG?H ,•ô?e hCG pe?c p ûH p à ùJ ?G???dG ™aO I?? dG ?jQGOE’G ??b??NE’Gh AGOC’G Q üb ? d .? F??G A? MC’G ? HôJ ? ??J ¤EG ?a? VE’?H ?? UC?a ,IQGOE’Gh è??dG ¥?£f ™ S J ¤EG ?jôNB’G ?C? ûdG ??ë UCGh ?YGQ?dGh ?j?ZC’G ?? ?e ‘ A? YC’G ?j? üe IQ GOEG ‘ ?e?îà ù?G ? S? ùdGh ?jO? üàb’Gh ? Y??àL’Gh ? f f?=dG ??? J?dG ?H ™?÷G .p?©?d ?jhGR ôéMh IQGOE?d ?jQh?V GQ?WEG ?B’G ?à©j ?eG?à ùe ?=jô£H ? F??G A? MC’G ? HôJh S?? SC’G ?? dEG ô ?j ?e??Y ,?jôë?dG ? © ?£dG ?j? ü?G ?CG h??j ?M ‘ ,™ ùàJ ? F??G A? MC’G ? HôJ ?G?J ’h A? MC’G ? H?d ? e??à?G ? ?gC?d G? ùOEh .™ S àdG ?e ? übCG G?M â ?H ,/?©dG ¥?£f ??Y ??Y ?› ‘ »àdG ??j?ëà?d ? ûb??? /?©dG ‘ ? F??G A? MC’G ? HôJh ? ? ùdG OQG ?G ?d?M ôjô=J »?à?j ? F??G ‘G?ûà SG p ?– ¤EG ? ûb???G ??à ùJh . ?£=dG G?g O?eCG ?M?à?G ¢Uô??dh ? F??G A? MC’G ? HôJ ???LG J .? V??G ?e?©dG ‘ ?? ??G JôLCG ,/?©dG ¥?£f ??Y ? F??G A? MC’G ? HôJ ?£=d
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    Book (series)
    تقرير الدورة الثانية للجنة الفرعية المختصة بتربية الأحياء المائية ، تروندهايم ، النرويج ، 7-11 أغسطس / آب 2003 2004
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    The Second Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Sub-Committee on Aquaculture was held in Trondheim, Norway, from 7 to 11 August 2003 at the kind invitation of the Government of Norway. It was attended by 64 Members of FAO, by an observer from one non-Member Nation of FAO, by a representative from one specialized agency of the United Nations and by observers from six intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations. The Sub-Committee appreciated the effort of FAO Fisheries Department in responding to the recommendations of the First Session of the Sub-Committee. Several working documents were presented by the Secretariat for discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. A number of emerging issues and related areas of work were also discussed. The Sub-Committee requested the Secretariat to ensure implementation of priority activities during the intersessional period. Recognizing the constraints in the Regular Programme budget of the FAO Fisher ies Department, the Sub-Committee recommended that additional resources should be sought within the Regular Programme or through extrabudgetary resources to undertake aquaculture activities. The Sub-Committee agreed that its next session should be held in 2006 and appreciated the offer of the Government of India to host the event.

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