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Vertebrate Pests: Damage on stored foods

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    INSECT DAMAGE: Damage on Post-harvest 2000
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    Grain storage techniques - Evolution and trends in developing countries 1994
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    The importance of grain storage as part of the marketing, distribution and food security system is well recognized. As early as 1971, the Group for Assistance on Systems relating to Grain After-harvest (GASGA), in which FAO participates, brought together experts and coordinated activities on research and development. In 1978, following the resolution of the UN General Assembly which called for the reduction of post-harvest losses, FAO launched the Special Action Programme for Prevention of Food Losses (PFL). Since then more than 250 projects have been implemented world wide under this programme. During recent years, as a result of privatization and liberalization of trade, the organization and management of grain storage has changed in many developing countries. This restructuring of the grain storage sector has created a demand for information and knowledge from the emerging private entrepreneurs operating in the storage sector. In the previous storage and distribution systems, f unctions such as collection, storage, regulation of supplies, food security and price control, were often entrusted to parastatal marketing boards. Skills have been developed, facilities have been installed and methods taught to their staff, often at high cost. These skills have now to be acquired by the new "actors" of the privatized storage and distribution system. The purpose of the Bulletin is to contribute to the transfer of knowledge on grain storage to persons involved in the storage of g rain. This joint production FAO-GASGA Bulletin is aimed at private and public sector storage operators, extension workers, students and researchers. However, the varied topics covered in the chapters are intended for persons each having different interests in the subject.
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    Reducing Food Loss and Improving Agricultural Ecology Based on Pest Rodent Management in Guizhou - TCP/CPR/3608 2020
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    In recent years, Yuqing County and Sandu County inGuizhou Province have experienced heavy pest rodentdamage, leading to severe crop production losses andrestricting the development of local agriculture. Theoccurrence of rat-borne diseases also directly threatenshuman health. In Yuqing and Sandu Counties, 120 000people live in poverty in mountainous areas and thepresence of pest rodents, combined with low agriculturalproduction, severely impedes poverty reduction.A long-term management strategy to reduce food loss andprotect agricultural ecology by improved pest rodentmanagement is a high priority for the province, not onlyto protect the livelihoods of poor ethnic minority farmersbut also to safeguard agricultural ecology and biodiversityin the area. The aim of the project was to reduce food loss,improve crop production and the livelihoods of farmers,and achieve a more prosperous and sustainable ruraleconomy in the poverty-stricken mountainous areas inYuqing County and Sandu County in Guizhou Provinceby introducing improved environmental-friendly rodentmanagement technologies and practices.

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