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Training workshop on FAO’s Market Analysis and Development approach Kaya 28.11-01.12 2016
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DocumentRapport du Consultant National "Analyse des plans de gestion existants pour vérifier leur cohérence avec l'Approche Ecosystémique des Pêches (AEP) et le partage des meilleures pratiques en matière de mise en œuvre des plans de gestion des pêches"
Royaume du Maroc
2024Also available in:
No results found.Due to its favorable geographical position, Morocco has two maritime facades of approximately 3 500 km of coastline, supported by an Exclusive Economic Zone1 (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles in the Atlantic. These assets, combined with the existence of an upwelling zone, considered among the most important in the world, make the Moroccan coast one of the richest fish areas, with an annual production potential which exceeds 1.5 million tonnes of fish. This reservoir of fisheries wealth is characterized by a relatively high specific diversity: pelagic species (sardines, mackerel, tuna, etc.), white fish, crustacean cephalopods, shellfish, algae, etc.The fishing sector places Morocco at the top of producers and exporters of seafood products in Africa and the Arab country, the Kingdom of Morocco ranks 17th out of the 25 major producing countries in the world - FAO 2022.
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