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DocumentCase Study on Commodity Chain Analysis: Irrigated Rice Chain of the Niger’s Office (Mali): Financial and Economic Account 2005
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This module illustrates a case study regarding the Commodity Chain Analysis (CCA). It belongs to a set of modules which discuss how to carry out CCA through a step–by-step procedure. The user is introduced to a real situation where he has to build and analyze a commodity chain. The case study contains five exercises based on a database provided in a spreadsheet, containing all relevant information (e.g, yields, hectares per agent etc). The first exercise allows the user to familiarize with the f unctional analysis of a commodity chain. The second exercise aims to practise the flows analysis. The third one helps experts to use the production-trading accounts which are the real foundations of the CCA. The fourth one allows us to build the analysis model based on the accounts of individual agents. Finally, the fifth one illustrates how to use this model to simulate scenarios. -
Book (series)Agricultural policies for a sustainable rice supply chain in Ecuador
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 18
2019Also available in:
No results found.The high cost to Ecuador’s national budget of maintaining a minimum guaranteed producer price for rice led to the introduction of a price bracket system in 2017. The minimum support price policy and a complimentary high import tariff were meant to protect small rice producers from competition from world markets and increase their incomes. However, farmers with greater productive capacity are currently accruing the highest income transfers from the guaranteed minimum rice price. Moreover, the policy has led to distortions throughout the marketing chain, only partially meeting its objective of price stability. The introduction of the price bracket system and Ecuador’s new comprehensive agricultural strategy, which takes an agricultural food system approach, represents an opportunity for small farmers to receive the necessary incentives to remain a part of the rural economy. However, more needs to be done to achieve a sustainable rice supply chain like decoupling social protection policies from farm output, diversifying agricultural programs, reforming border protection policy, and a rethinking of public interventions. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetRice supply chain in Timor-Leste
Food loss analysis: causes and solutions
2018Also available in:
No results found.In order to improve global, regional and local knowledge about the underlying reasons for food loss, as well as to assess where critical loss points occur, FAO undertook a series of case studies involving numerous food supply chains in developing countries. Utilizing a defined food loss and waste analysis framework, the Organization and its partners identified nationally-important food products, and commissioned local-level studies of the losses in these chains. This brochure aims at disseminating the findings of the study to be used to develop technically, economically, environmentally and socially feasible solutions to reduce food losses along the rice value chain in Timor Leste.
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