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PRACTICE BRIEF Climate-smart agriculture

Climate-Smart Pest Management: Implementation guidance for policymakers and investors

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    Managing climate risk using climate-smart agriculture (CSA): Policy Brief 2016
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    A crucial part of the process of developing a CSA strategy is to understand barriers to adoption of CSA practices. Some barriers may be due to trade-offs that CSA practices engender in terms of resource use (e.g. crop residue management competing with livestock forage or labour intensiveness of some practices). However, it can also be that farmers would like to adopt certain practices, but do not due to institutional barriers, financial bottlenecks, or a lack of access to input or output markets . Understanding what drives adoption or dis-adoption of CSA practices is an empirical question that needs to be answered to make informed choices on guiding policies and investments. With an appreciation of potentially relevant CSA practices, the barriers to their adoption, their implications for farmers’ management of risk, and the benefits and costs of these different CSA practices, it is possible to combine this information to develop a CSA strategy that takes into consideration technical, in stitutional, and economic aspects. This will allow for a prioritization of CSA activities and create an enabling and coherent policy environment for agricultural development that takes climate change into account.

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