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Conclusions of the Regional Experts Consultation on Food Losses and Waste

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    Report of the Expert Consultation Meeting on Food Losses and Waste Reduction in the Near East Region 2013
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    The Expert Consultation Meeting (ECM) on Food Losses and Waste Reduction in the Near East Region: Towards a Regional Comprehensive Strategy was held in Sharm ElSheikh, Egypt during 18 and 19 December 2013.The ECM was attended by 27 experts including policy makers dealing with food security issues in the region; academicians, researchers and other experts dealing with the main pillars of food losses and waste; senior officials from Government Ministries and agencies; private-sector, civil society and non-governmental organizations; UN and bilateral agencies. The purpose and aims of the ECM were to: i. Scan the current situation of food losses and food waste in countries of the region, with a view towards developing a regional strategy to combat the problem within the framework of broader strategies to improve food security, i. Promote sharing of information on best practices and experiences relating to policies targeting food loss and waste reduction in the different facets of the chain , ii. Develop concrete mechanisms between countries for sharing knowledge on minimizing food losses and waste across the region, iii. Identify mechanisms to provide incentives and promote investments in the domain of food loss and waste reduction, iv. In coordination and cooperation between decision makers and experts, identify and disseminate innovative strategies for integrating food losses and waste reduction strategies as a component of food security strategies in countries of the region, v. Recommend a plan of action to reduce food losses and waste.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The High-Level Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Food Losses and Food Waste in Asia and the Pacific Region 2014
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    Approximately one-third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted. Food losses are prevalent in developing countries owing to poor handling of the produce from the field through to the market place. Food waste is food that is thrown away even though it is still suitable for human consumption. Food waste is prevalent in developed countries, but is a growing problem in developing countries. Food loss and waste squander resources, including water, land, energy, labour and capital. The Food an d Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched the Save Food Initiative in 2011. Under the banner of this initiative, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific launched a region-wide campaign - the Save Food Asia-Pacific Campaign - on 28 August 2013 during a high-level multi-stakeholder consultation in Bangkok, Thailand. This report provides the outcome of the proceedings.

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