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Book (stand-alone)
Book (stand-alone)Eco-certification for the tuna industry: technical assistance for implementation of a Regional Fisheries Strategy for ESA-IO (IRFS) 2011
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No results found.This report presents the findings of a mission that examined the requirements for developing and establishing an eco-certification scheme that is specific to a group of tuna vessel operators and fish processors working in the western Indian Ocean region. “Eco-certification” is assurance that fishery products are from fisheries that have functional harvest rules that protect the target fish resource as well as the environment. Obtaining eco-certification will be challenging as currently there are few effective harvest rules – and to establish such a system requires consensus among the many countries that participate in tuna fishing in the Indian Ocean. This report discusses the lack of harvest rules and other obstacles to eco-certification. Options are presented for progressing the situation, and a long- term plan for eco-certification is proposed. -
Book (stand-alone)Forest product market developments: the outlook for forest product markets to 2010 and the implications for improving management of the global forest estate
World Bank Forest Policy Implementation Review and Strategy Working Paper
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No results found.This paper presents projections of wood and wood product supply and demand to the year 2010. It discusses emerging developments in the availability and management of forest resources and in forest products processing and trade, which have the potential to affect forest products markets in the future. The paper concludes by discussing areas where the World Bank could justify involvement in the forestry sector on the basis of the sector's linkages to its key policy objectives of poverty alleviatio n, environmentally sustainable development and private sector development.
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