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Assessing agricultural innovation systems: a training manual

Rudebjer, P., Bucciarelli, M., Chuluunbaatar, D. & Toillier, A. 2022. Assessing agricultural innovation systems: a training manual. Rome, FAO. 

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    Capacity needs assessment - A trainers’ manual (2nd Edition) 2019
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    This trainers’ manual on capacity needs assessment was produced as part the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. This involves a global partnership (Agrinatura, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] and national partners from eight pilot countries) that aims to strengthen the capacity of countries and key stakeholders to innovate in complex agricultural systems, thereby achieving improved rural livelihoods. This manual was produced as a resource for the training of National Innovation Facilitators (NIFs) across all eight pilot countries. The objective of this manual is to strengthen the facilitation skills of National Innovation Facilitators and their ability to carry out capacity needs assessments (CNAs) in agricultural innovation niche partnerships.
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    Developing capacities in agricultural innovation systems: Scaling up the Tropical Agriculture Platform Framework (TAP-AIS) - Dissemination workshop on national agriculture innovation system in Cambodia: Assessment findings
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    The flyer provides a brief introduction to the EU-funded project "Developing capacities in agricultural innovation systems: Scaling up Tropical Agriculture Platform Framework (TAP-AIS)", and the objectives and agenda of the workshop. The workshop aims at presenting the findings of the national agricultural innovation system (AIS) assessment conducted in Cambodia in the context of the TAP-AIS project.
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    National Agricultural Innovation System Assessment in Lao PDR
    Consolidated Report
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    In Lao PDR, agricultural innovation has the potential to improve livelihoods of farmers and rural people, improve food and nutrition security, and allow for sustainable management of natural resources. In order to enable innovation, a  well-functioning national Agriculture Innovation System (AIS) should encourage better coordination among the different stakeholders, including national organizations and the private sector. The present assessment report provides a comprehensive understanding of the current status of the national AIS in Lao PDR and identifies the main entry points for strengthening capacity of key organizations and stakeholders of the national AIS. A comprehensive methodology was used to analyze the AIS functions, structures, enabling environment, and system capacities.  In addition, two case studies - Thong Mang Agricultural Cooperative (TMAC) and the Lao Farmer Network (LFN) were used to understand innovation processes in the Lao agriculture sector and provided a framework to explore partnerships and processes among the government, development partners, private sector actors, farmers and other operators in the agricultural sector. The recommendations based on the assessment results include: (1) making more effort to encourage and support agriculture innovation to make progress in a competitive environment; (2) increasing investment or funding in research and extension to underpin agricultural innovation; (3) enhancing effective management and use of water as well as helping farmers access water for production, particularly for organic vegetables; (4) developing necessary and related capacity with a focus on soft skills to unleash innovations.

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