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NewsletterFAO China ECTAD Highlights - September 2019, Vol. 128 2019
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No results found.FAO China ECTAD Highlights in September 2019: The third module of the fifth cohort of China Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarians (CFETPV) was organized in Qingdao, Shandong Province from 19 August to 6 September 2019. The three-week course was jointly delivered by the four international trainers from City University of Hong Kong, Royal Veterinary College (RVC) of the United Kingdom and six Chinese trainers. -
NewsletterFAO China ECTAD Highlights-July 2019, Vol. 126 2019
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No results found.FAO ECTAD Highlights in July 2019: Under the framework of the China Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarians (CFETPV), the 7th Veterinary Epidemiology for Executives (FETPV-E) was organized in Chengdu, Sichuan Province from 17 July to 19 July 2019. The Workshop was co-organized by Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) of China, China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center (CAHEC) and FAO China Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) Office. -
NewsletterFAO China ECTAD Highlights, June 2019 - Volume125 2019
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No results found.FAO China ECTAD Highlights in June 2019:-The second module of the fifth cohort of China Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarians (CFETPV) was organized in Qingdao, Shandong Province from 20 May to 14 June 2019. The objectives of the module were to help the trainees to: 1) design an outbreak investigation, and collect and analyze resulting data; 2) explain, using examples, the reasons for conducting animal health surveillance; 3) design appropriate surveillance systems for a range of different situations; 4) analyze and interpret data generated by a surveillance system; 5) finalize their field epidemiological study design. -The Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Backstopping Meeting was held in FAO China ECTAD Office from 26-27 June 2019. The objectives of the Meeting were: 1) to work with country team in collecting information and updating the country log frame indicator achievements; 2) to assist country team in reviewing supporting documents of reported indicator achievements, i.e. list of participants, meeting reports, study reports, disease outbreak information; 3) to assist country team in preparing for the next progress report and data collection round.
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