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Les bovines d' Europe - Volume II

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    10 Raisons de ne pas conserver le virus de la peste bovine en laboratoire 2015
    Rinderpest, or ‘’cattle plague’’, was an acute, highly contagious disease affecting several species of wild and domestic cloven-hoofed animals, notably cattle and buffalo. It killed millions of cattle over the millennia in Africa, Asia and Europe and was officially declared eradicated in 2011 at conferences of The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). At these historical celebrations the Member States of each organiza tion recommended that countries should destroy their rinderpest virus stocks or send them to a FAO-OIE approved Rinderpest Holding Facility to ensure freedom from the disease.
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    Mapping the benefit-cost ratios of interventions against bovine trypanosomosis in Eastern Africa 2015
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    This study builds upon earlier work mapping the potential benefits from bovine trypanosomosis control and analysing the costs of different approaches. Updated costs were derived for five intervention techniques: trypanocides, targets, insecticide-treated cattle, aerial spraying and the release of sterile males. Two strategies were considered: continuous control and elimination. For mapping the costs, cattle densities, environmental constraints, and the presence of savannah or riverine tsetse spe cies were taken into account. These were combined with maps of potential benefits to produce maps of benefit-cost ratios. Author’s Accepted Manuscript, published with permission.

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