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Book (stand-alone)Annotated bibliography forest cover change: Guatemala 2002
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No results found.Forest Resource Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000), a priority program within the FAO Forestry Department, is executed at the request of all FAO member countries. FRA 2000 is based on country-level information from national inventories, research projects, national consultations and various studies that provide information on forest cover, volume and change over time. FRA 2000 conducted two pilot studies on forest cover change (positive and negative) in Nepal and Guatemala. Country selection was based on the importance of the forestry sector in the development process of each country. The Guatemala case study was developed in co-operation with national and international institutions that provided the best available information regarding the major factors, situations and processes that have an impact on forest and land cover change (deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, degradation). -
Book (stand-alone)FRA 2000 annotated bibliography forest cover change - Belize 2000
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No results found.The world's forests are changing in quantity and quality, in both positive and negative ways. This process is associated with social, economic and environmental factors. These factors are not always presented in a comprehensive way, based on all available information, and free of preconceived ideas or biases. What are the factors that motivate people to plant or cut trees and forests (human driving forces)? What are the natural phenomena that affect forest cover (natural driving forces)? Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000), a priority programme within the FAO Forestry Department, is executed at the request of all FAO member countries. FRA 2000 is based on country-level information from national inventories, research projects, national consultations and various studies that provide information on forest cover, volume and change over time. With the assistance of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) of Costa Rica, FRA 2000 carried out a literature review of positive as well as negative changes in the forest cover of Mesoamerica, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. The present paper presents the results for Belize. They were produced with the cooperation of national and international institutions, which supplied the best available information with respect to the principal factors, situations and processes that have an impact on the change of forest cover and land use (cutting of trees, reforestation, afforestation and degradation). -
Book (series)Vulnerability assessment methodologies: an annotated bibliography for climate change and the fisheries and aquaculture sector 2013
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No results found.This paper presents a comprehensive annotated bibliography of the most contemporary and seminal vulnerability methodologies over the last decade, focusing particularly on vulnerability to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. The bibliography was developed as a background paper for an international expert workshop in Namibia in 2013 on climate change vulnerability methodologies, coordinated by the FAO. A significant degree of confusion and debate surrounds vulnerability assessm ents and the methods through which vulnerability should be measured in order to provide an accurate assessment that can feed into effective polices and strategies for adaptation and vulnerability reduction. A clear and structured approach is presented in the annotated bibliography by dividing the paper into seven main sections; reviews, frameworks, drivers of change, scale, fishery and farming ecosystem, species and vessel segment, and special considerations. A comprehensive range of vulnerabili ty methodologies were incorporated in the annotated bibliography, crossing a multitude of scales, approaches and disciplines. The paper identifies a number of important connections and links between the vulnerability literature, which was developed through the use of 33 sub-sections and by cross referencing throughout the bibliography, further assisting in the clarification of vulnerability methodologies.
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