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FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II). Capacity Development for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Management in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. GCP/SEC/013/TUR. Webinar on carp farming, 8–9 December 2020

Summary report

Last updated date 14/02/2022, see corrigendum

FAO. 2021. FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II). Capacity Development for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Management in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. GCP/SEC/013/TUR. Webinar on carp farming, 8–9 December 2020. Summary report. Ankara

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    Guidelines for feed use in carp and trout production systems in Central Asia and Eastern Europe 2021
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    In aquaculture, the provision of high quality aquafeeds that satisfy the nutritional requirements of the culture species and optimize growth are a prerequisite to improving production yields, lowering production costs, and improving economic returns to farmers. Under semi-intensive and intensive carp and trout culture, aquafeed costs usually account for the highest single production cost, typically accounting for 50 – 60 percent of total production costs. The aquafeeds available to farmers vary widely with respect to quality, nutritional value and cost. Depending on the feed type, production system and farmer preferences, there are multiple feed management strategies that can be adopted by farmers. In order to optimise feed use and minimise feed production costs, it is essential that farmers select appropriate feeds and optimise their on farm feed management practices. These guidelines are designed to provide farmers with practical guidance on how to select feeds and to optimise their use by implementing appropriate on-farm feed management practices. The guidelines provide an introduction to fish nutrition with a focus on the dietary nutritional requirements of commercially cultured carps and trout. The types of aquafeeds (live feeds, supplementary, farm-made and commercially manufactured feeds), their composition and nutritional value, manufacture and use are discussed. On-farm feed management practices focus on feeding methods, feed storage, and methods to optimise feed consumption (calculating feed rations, feeding frequency, assessing appetite and the feeding response).

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