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DocumentLand tenure supports sustainable development - NR fact sheet 2008
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No results found.Throughout the rural world, land provides a primary source of income, food security, cultural identity and shelter. It also serves as a fundamental asset for the economic empowerment of the poor and provides a safety net in times of hardship. -
Book (series)Sustainable Wildlife Management and Gender. CPW Fact Sheet 5 2016
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No results found.Gender is of particular interest in the sustainable management of wildlife as it relates to the use, attitudes, and knowledge of the resource. Different strategies are often needed to fully engage both women and men in wildlife-related management. This fact sheet shows the important role played by gender in wildlife use and conservation; it highlights key issues, experiences and knowledge, challenges and opportunities, as well as what is still to be learned. -
DocumentLand Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) - NR fact sheet
Assessing the status, causes and impact of land degradation
2008Also available in:
No results found.Land degradation is a serious problem that crosses national borders, ecological zones and socio-economic levels. It can be especially devastating for the world’s poorest people living in dryland areas. The Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project, executed by FAO with funding from UNEP, GEF and others, assesses the causes and impacts of land degradation at global, national and local levels in order to detect hot spots and identify remedial measures. LADA approaches land d egradation as a biophysical, social, economic and environmental issue that must be dealt with through a combination of geo-informational, scientific and local knowledge tools.
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