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DocumentEmergency Relief and Rehabilitation
Towards Livelihood Recovery
2008Also available in:
In the UN system, FAO has the mandate for responding to crises in the agriculture and food security sectors. The FAO Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division plays a vital role in rapidly rehabilitating local agricultural production and reducing dependency on food aid, which are essential factors for sustainable recovery. Rural populations are often the most vulnerable in emergency and crisis situations. By restoring rural livelihoods and helping vulnerable people look after their own vital needs, FAO helps to set the conditions for a quick and lasting recovery. Founded on the capabilities and strengths of the affected communities, the recovery may become an opportunity to build better livelihoods. -
DocumentReal Time Evaluation of the FAO Emergency and Rehabilitation Operations in Response to the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami Final Report Final Version 2007
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No results found.The present report summarizes the results of the efforts of the FAO Evaluation Service to evaluate the tsunami response of the Organisation through a “Real Time Evaluation” (RTE) designed to provide programme managers with feedback at key junctures of their programmes.
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