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Markets for fish meal in the Near East Region

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    Fish trade in the Near East region 1979
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    The paper examines recent trends in the production, trade and consumption of fish in the Near East region, and presents perspectives of future demand for and production of fish in the region, so as to highlight possibilities for the further expansion of trade in fish, both within the region and externally. The paper concluded that a two-fold increase in total regional requirements of fish and fish products seems likely by 1985 and that, taking normative assumptions regarding probable fish output in the region, a serious deficit could arise between regional production of fish and projected demand. However, at the individual country level, certain nations are likely to have surpluses of production over domestic demand, which could form the basis for intensified internal trade in the region. The possibilities for the export to international markets of certain high-value species are also reviewed. The paper concludes with an Appendix giving more detailed country-by country consideration o f the present and prospective state of fish production and fish trade.
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    Addressing food security challenges faced by Near East and North Africa region due to the Ukraine crisis
    Regional overview
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    The Russian Federation and Ukraine are among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the world. Both countries are net exporters of agricultural products, and they both play leading supply roles in global markets of foodstuffs and fertilizers, where exportable supplies are often concentrated in a handful of countries. This concentration could expose these markets to increased vulnerability to shocks and volatility. Many countries of the NENA region are heavily dependent on imported foodstuff and fertilizers from Russia and Ukraine; and thus, the current conflict puts the region at risk of shortening of food supply from Russia and Ukraine as well as raising food prices as a result of the disturbances in post-COVID-19.
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    Regional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in the Near East and North Africa 2015 2017
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    This document reviews the status and trends in aquaculture development in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. It updates the last Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) “Regional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in the Near East and North Africa – 2010” (FAO, 2011). It highlights the salient issues, particularly those that have evolved in the past decade (2010–2014). The data contained in the review is based on FAO’s official datasets (FAO, 2016a). Other local, regional and global information sources were also consulted throughout the review process. These included the FAO Fishery Country Profiles (FCPs), the National Aquaculture Sector Overviews (NASOs), the National Aquaculture Legislation Overviews (NALOs), the Database on Introductions of Aquaculture Species (DIAS), the World Bank and AQUASTAT. Regional fisheries and aquaculture management bodies and networks including the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFC M), the Working Group on Aquaculture of the Regional Commission on Fisheries (WGA-RECOFI) and the Regional Aquaculture Information System (RAIS) provided valuable information on the development of the aquaculture sector in the region. Additional information was also collected from trade magazines and other technical reports.

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