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Agriculture, forestry and other land use mitigation project database

Second assessment of the current status of land-based sectors in in the carbon markets

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    Agriculture, forestry and other land use mitigation project database 2010
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    Land use projects are especially exposed to the insecurities regarding the future of international climate change regulations. Therefore, it is imperative that the long term structures of the climate change framework are settled as soon as possible, including the reconsideration of the existing crediting schemes as the appropriate remuneration approach for AFOLU projects in developing countries. This second publication in the MICCA series aims to set the global agricultural mitigation survey ( as presented in the first publication) in context. The AFOLU MP database is a compilation of publicly available data on mitigation projects in agriculture and forestry, and this paper describes, first, the analysis and output of the database and, second, which implications can be derived for the development of mitigation activities in agriculture and forestry.
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    FAO/IPCC Expert meeting on land use, climate change and food security 2017
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    One hundred scientists, economists and policy experts participated in a three-day expert meeting (EM) to engage in a high-level, globally oriented, and multidisciplinary scoping of topics that climate change to land use and food security. The EM was structured around five themes: climate impacts and human-directed drivers of land change and linkages to food security; mitigation and adaptation options; and policies for resource management, smallholder resilience, mitigation and food and nutrition security. The present report offers a comprehensive synthesis of the EM findings and conclusions reflecting the collective view participants and external reviewers. The report is a valuable source for the IPCC above-mentioned Special Report, especially in relation to food security, as well to researchers and policy makers concerned with the policy implication of food security in relation to post-Paris climate action and Agenda 2030.
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