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FAO SAP Newsletter - July 2018, Edition #46

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    FAO SAP Newsletter May 2018 Edition #45 2018
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    The FAOSAP newsletter is a monthly publication that informs our stakeholders in the region of FAO activities in the Pacific region. The May 2018 edition includes the following articles: a pro-resilience project has been launched in partnership with the Government of Fiji, the European Union and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency; a team from Tokelau learn from Samoa quarantine systems in a recent training workshop; the efforts to increase contract farming in Tonga; and how FAO is leading in building the capacity of the national food security in Samoa in times of humanitarian emergencies.
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    FAO SAP Newsletter - May 2017, Edition #34 2017
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    The FAOSAP newsletter is a monthly publication that informs our stakeholders in the region of FAO activities in the Pacific region. Our stakeholders include: media, government agencies and the general public. The May 2017 edition includes the following articles:The way to put an end to illegal fishing By Jose Graziano da Silva; Long road leads fisheries consultant back to Samoa; Putting the pressure on critical food and nutrition challenges in Samoaand other Pacific Islands; Fiji Biodiversity Ed ucation Kit for primary school students launched; Sustainable establishment and management of Mahogany woodlots on Niue Island; Conserving and Managing our Forests: Bay Homo Community Conservation Area, South Pentecost, Vanuatu.
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    FAO SAP Newsletter - July 2017, Edition #36 2017
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    The FAOSAP newsletter is a monthly publication that informs our stakeholders in the region of FAO activities in the Pacific region. Our stakeholders include: media, government agencies and the general public. The July 2017 edition includes the following articles: Boerma Award celebrated in Samoa; Fisheries in Samoa receive boost; Biodiversity conservation and protected area management course on offer in Fiji; Vanuatu to host Pacific Week of Agriculture in October; and FAO Pacific Twitter reaches 1000 followers .

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