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DocumentAEZWIN: an interactive multiple-criteria analysis tool for land resources appraisal 1999
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Book (series)Guidelines and computer programs for the planning and design of land drainage systems 2007
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No results found.Drainage of agricultural land is one of the most critical water management tools for the sustainability of productive cropping systems, as frequently this sustainability is extremely dependent on the control of waterlogging and soil salinization in the rootzone of most crops. On some agricultural lands, the natural drainage is sufficient to maintain high productivity. However, many others require improvements in surface and subsurface drainage in order to optimize land productivity, wh ile maintaining the quality of soil resources. As time passes, drainage requirements may change because of changes in the general socio-economic conditions, such as input and output prices, and more intensive crop rotations. -
No Thumbnail AvailableProjectDesign of a computer based system for economic analysis of fish culture activities, Hungary 1982
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No results found.The task. The consultant was requested to appraise how economic analysis can be used by Hungarian officials' to make better use of resources employed in Hungarian fish culture. The need. It is the view of many familiar with the fish culture industry in Hungary that decision makers involved could employ economic analysis more stringently when allocating available resources amongst industry activities. However, the number of full time economists employed in the industry is low- and most persons concerned believe it is likely to remain so low. The consultant concluded, therefore, that the persons concerned will be unable to use economic analysis more effectively in the coming years unless a change is made in the manner in which economic analysis is carried out. The concultant recommends that a concerned effort be made to introduce, in a systematic manner, a system for economic analysis which minimizes - but does not eliminate - the role of the economist. Implication for system desig n. The system should, as far as possible, be of use also to people working in the fish culture industry, who do not have formal training in economics. Therefore it should (i) reduce the reliance on economists during the data collection and information generating phase (which must preceed all economic analysis); (ii) fit the needs of fish farm managers, manager of fish culture research and development activities, and, the needs of government planners and policy makers.
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