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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetWater scarcity. Land and Water Days 2019 - Near East and North Africa
Background Paper: Executive Summary
2019Solving water scarcity will require a multi-dimensional approach including assistance from decision-support tools to help national managers to find the right mix of water, food and energy options to best fit country situations. Once socially acceptable paths that enhance country comparative advantages are outlined and communicated, institutional capacity, policies and financing are needed to carry plans forward to create the desired outcomes and impacts. Opportunities for horizontal expansion of the irrigated areas are limited in most regions. The focus has shifted to improving system performance and agricultural water productivity on existing irrigation schemes. The design and mode of operation of some irrigation schemes is outdated. Traditional service delivery is no longer appropriate where farmers are looking to have irrigation water on demand. New gains must come through participation with communities and water user association who are increasingly demanding that their inputs be taken into consideration. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetRegional water scarcity initiative in the Near East and North Africa 2015
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No results found.FAO supports member countries with innovative approaches to identify and streamline policies and best practices in agricultural water management. The Initiative will contribute to boosting agricultural productivity, improving food security and sustaining productive water resources in the near East and North Africa region (NENA). -
Book (series)Evaluation of the project "Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity & Water Sustainability in the Near East and North Africa"
Project code: GCP/RNE/009/SWE
2024Also available in:
No results found.The solution to water scarcity in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region has been illuminated through the "2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity & Water Sustainability (WEPS)" project. This initiative has brought significant breakthroughs in eight target countries, namely Algeria, Egypt, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Palestine. The accomplishments include the adaptation of water accounting standards in line with global and scientific criteria, the endorsement of the water–energy–food nexus approach, and the development of top-tier knowledge products that have fostered knowledge sharing across these nations. However, challenges like the pandemic aftermath, initial implementation hiccups, and gender inclusion hurdles have arisen. Moving forward, the emphasis is on continued advocacy and collaboration, bolstered commitment to the water–energy–food nexus, expansive knowledge outreach, and enhanced regional partnerships, with an aim to integrate the insights gained into future regional plans.
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