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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetOne Country One Priority Product in Africa (OCOP)
Special agricultural products in Africa
2022Also available in:
No results found.One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative in Africa aims to build more sustainable food value chain systems, support family and smallholder farmers to be profitable and improve their livelihoods, minimize the use of chemical inputs and natural resources, reduce food loss and waste, and limit the negative impacts on the environment. It does this through green value chain development for Special Agriculture Products (SAPs), from green production to storage, processing and marketing. -
Book (series)Report of the workshop on optimizing food and nutrition security and livelihood benefits of small pelagic species production in sub-Saharan Africa, Accra, Ghana, 5–7 December 2023 2024
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Based on earlier work by FAO in collaboration with other organizations and institutions, the workshop on “Optimizing food and nutrition security and livelihood benefits of small pelagic species production in sub-Saharan Africa” aimed to develop a better understanding of supply chains for small pelagic species in sub-Saharan/West Africa. In doing so, it focused on how related fishery resources could best contribute to food and nutrition security, and to the livelihoods of small-scale and fisheries-dependent communities. The workshop was an opportunity to review good practices and lessons learned concerning the alignment between the fish-based products industry and food and nutrition security considerations. It also identified policy considerations, future research and other actions to support effective management of small pelagic resources. The workshop brought together 50 representatives from local fishing communities, governments, private sector actors, research institutions, and relevant professional and interest organizations. A number of conclusions were drawn and recommendations made on how to safeguard the contribution of small pelagics to food and nutrition while having a responsible fishmeal and fish oil industry in the West African region. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetMultidimensional solutions strategy for the reduction of food loss and waste in the artisanal fisheries subsector in Tumaco, Colombia 2024
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No results found.This multidimensional solutions strategy for reducing the losses in the artisanal fisheries sector in Tumaco, Colombia is a comprehensive and multi-sectorial related approach aimed at addressing the challenges and maximizing the potential of the fisheries sector in Colombia. It aims to tackle the significant losses incurred with a strong emphasis on promoting responsible use of fisheries resources for sustainable development. This strategy is designed based on the robust foundation of updated research findings on extent of the fish losses, extensive engagement of stakeholders, and a thorough understanding of the underlying causes and impacts of food loss and waste (FLW). By implementing this strategy, we seek to enhance the efficiency, resilience, and profitability of the artisanal fisheries sector in Tumaco, Colombia while minimizing environmental impacts and ensuring food security that is the objective of the Component 5 of the project GCP/GLO/352/NOR.
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