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Food Markets and Poverty Alleviation

Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: A Living from Livestock

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    Poverty alleviation and food security in Asia: role of livestock 1999
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    Poverty, as both a cause and an effect of food insecurity, continues to be a major challenge in Asia and the Pacific where the bulk of the poor in developing countries - approximately 75 percent are located. In this region, as elsewhere in the developing regions of the world, poverty is mainly a rural phenomenon: nearly three-fourths of the poor live in rural areas, with the large majority of them dependent on agriculture for employment and income. Agricultural growth thus offers a potentially e normous source of poverty reduction, particularly when the growth is broadly based.
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    The dynamics of sanitary and technical requirements assisting the poor to cope
    Expert Consultation Rome, 22-24 June 2004
    The expert consultatio n on The Dynamics of Sanitary and Technical Requirements: Assisting the Poor to Cope was held in Rome from 22 to 24 June 2004. The objective of the consultation was to provide advice to FAO and Member Governments on the impact of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards on domestic livestock markets, and in particular to consider impacts on the poor who participate in livestock food chains, and the extent to which their concerns are being addressed. It addressed four que stions: This publicatio n describes the conclusion s of the six experts and observers of the consultation. It contributes to a very lively global debate on the subject of livestock standards and market exclusion. Who drives standards setting in food safety and animal health? How do existing and anticipated standards affect the structure of the livestock food chain and vice versa? Who is winning and who is losing from changes? What can be done to help the losers? In particular, what can be done t o assist the poor to cope? This publicatio n describes the conclusion s of the six experts and observers of the consultation. It contributes to a very lively global debate on the subject of livestock standards and market exclusion.

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