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Restoration Processes from Perturbation in Semi-Enclosed Coastal Waters Regarding Nutrient Distributions and their Effects 

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    Integrated soil, water and nutrient management in semi-arid Zimbabwe
    Farmer Field Schools Facilitators’ Manual, vol. 1. Harare, Zimbabwe: FAO
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    The effects of light, water and nutrient availability on the interspecific and intraspecific competition of Heracleum moellendorffii and Adenophora divaricata
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Since it takes at least 50 years to harvest timber after reforestation in temperate forests, foresters are very interested in cultivating wild vegetables in the forest. In the forests of South Korea, the slope varies greatly, and the amount of light, moisture, and soil nutrients available to wild vegetables differ depending on whether thinning is performed. Therefore, it is necessary to study the response of wild vegetables in these environments.
    In this study, we tried to find a suitable growth environment while examining the effects of inter- and intraspecific competition on wild vegetables. To investigate the inter- and intraspecific competitive effects, H. moellendorffii and A. divaricata were planted in two ways. For the competitive effect of resource availability, shading, irrigation, and fertilization treatment was performed. And we measured the height, root collar diameter, leaf specific weight, biomass, and relative yield.
    As a result, shade significantly increased the height growth of H. moellendorffii regardless of planting methods, particularly those grown in high soil moisture and nutrients. Contrarily, the aboveground biomass of A. divaricata was significantly suppressed by shading, particularly when planted with the other species without fertilizer. When planted together, the interspecific competitiveness of H. moellendorffii tended to be stronger than that of A. divaricata across light conditions. The amount of light, soil moisture, and nutrients and their interactions have been shown to significantly affect the growth of the seedlings, resulting in asymmetric interspecific competition between species. The findings of the present study should provide us with a better understanding of the environmental factors affecting plant growth that are necessary to make forest farming in the understory more ecologically and socio-economically feasible and appealing. Keywords; Human health and well-being, Agriculture, Research, Economic Development ID: 3621831
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