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DocumentPT 14: Irradiation treatment for Ceratitis capitata. Annex 14 to ISPM 28: Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests
Adopted 2011
2021This standard presents as annexes phytosanitary treatments evaluated and adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). It also describes the requirements for submission and evaluation of the efficacy data and other relevant information on a phytosanitary treatment that can be used as a phytosanitary measure and that will be annexed to this standard after its adoption. The treatments are for the control of regulated pests on regulated articles, primarily those moving in international trade. The adopted treatments provide the minimum requirements necessary to control a regulated pest at a stated efficacy. The scope of this standard does not include issues related to pesticide registration or other domestic requirements for approval of treatments (e.g. irradiation). -
Book (stand-alone)Controlling Pest Fruit Flies by releasing sterile male insects 2015
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No results found.Several species of Tephritidae have a greater impact on global agricultural horticulture trade than almost any other pest. The Joint FAO/IAEA2 Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture helps Member States control invasive pest fruit flies by providing technical and scientific support and transferring nuclear and related technologies to reduce losses in fruit and vegetable production, minimize insecticide use, preserve biological diversity. -
DocumentPT 24: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus sinensis. Annex 24 to ISPM 28: Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests
Adopted 2017
2017Also available in:
No results found.This standard presents as annexes phytosanitary treatments evaluated and adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). It also describes the requirements for submission and evaluation of the efficacy data and other relevant information on a phytosanitary treatment that can be used as a phytosanitary measure and that will be annexed to this standard after its adoption. The treatments are for the control of regulated pests on regulated articles, primarily those moving in international trade. The adopted treatments provide the minimum requirements necessary to control a regulated pest at a stated efficacy. The scope of this standard does not include issues related to pesticide registration or other domestic requirements for approval of treatments (e.g. irradiation).
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