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ProjectStrengthening National Capacities of Producer Organizations in the Nena Region - TCP/RAB/3603 2020
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No results found.Small-scale family farming accounts for more than 80percent of agricultural production in the Near East andNorth Africa (NENA) region and plays an important role infood security, poverty alleviation and sustainablemanagement of natural resources. The average landholding size has decreased in the past decades, while atthe same time there has been an increase in the numberof SSFF and in total agricultural land. Small-scale familyfarmers (SSFF) do not have the possibility of realizingeconomies of scale or developing a market powercomparable to their trading partners. In addition, theyface high transaction costs and difficulties in accessingproductive services and resources and are thereforegenerally unable to seize economic opportunities. Ageingfarmer populations and limited access to social protectionand productive assets such as financial services, water andland and activity and input markets represent severeconstraints for the development of SSFF and theirorganizations, thereby limiting opportunities foremployment in agriculture. -
ProjectStrengthening Institutional and Technical Capacity for Safe Food through Implementation of Food Safety Measures and Certification Schemes for Agricultural Products in Cambodia to Combat “COVID-19” - TCP/CMB/3803 2024
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No results found.Agriculture plays an important role in Cambodia’s economy, accounting for about 45 percent of the country’s gross domestic product and providing employment to around two thirds of the total labour force. The sector’s impressive growth over the past decade has contributed significantly to poverty reduction; however, agricultural production remains low, and many agricultural products are poor in quality. Legislative measures are either absent or not enforced, and similarly to other countries in the region, issues with food safety and sanitary and phytosanitary measures cause import rejections from relevant markets. Insufficient awareness of actors along the supply chain about hygiene and good practices related to handling, transport and storage leads to the frequent occurrence of food-borne illnesses, and the presence of live bird markets in most provinces in the country is believed to promote the amplification and dissemination of avian influenza. These issues negatively affect the livelihoods of producers, and supply chain participants and food vendors as consumers often associate food with illness rather than security and nutrition. That being said, there is an increased demand for safe and quality products both in domestic and international markets, opening up promising opportunities for smallholder farmers in Cambodia. -
ProjectStrengthening Capacity of Forest Research Institute, Myanmar- TCP/MYA/3607 2020
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No results found.An assessment of the capabilities of the Forest ResearchInstitute in Myanmar revealed the need to furtherenhance capacities in order to cater to the requirementsof the country’s stakeholders and to benefit fromemerging trends in forestry and environmental researchacross the globe. There was also a need for FRI to developa clear plan to guide its future activities, especially withregard to research. The project objectives were to buildthe capacity of researchers in selected fields of forestryresearch, to improve infrastructure and facilities, and topurchase the equipment required to conduct research.To achieve these ends, the project would organize trainingto enable researchers at FRI to conduct cutting-edgeresearch in forestry. It would also develop a business planto guide the activities of FRI in the short and long term.
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