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DocumentComparison of forest area and forest change estimates derived from FRA 2000 and FRA 2005 2006
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No Thumbnail AvailableDocumentNon-thematic issue 1999This issue of Unasylva contains, as promised in the previous edition, additional articles on sustainable mountain development. These articles help to complete the focus on the topic and should also help to promote interest in the recently declared International Year of the Mountain (2000) for which FAO has been designated lead agency status within the United Nations system.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Forest resources assessment 1990 - Survey tropical forest cover studies of change processes 1996
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No results found.The survey of tropical forests reported here was developed and implemented with the aim of providing detailed and reliable information on the process of on-going chenges in the tropical forest cover, in order to meet the needs of researchers, policy makers and the public at large.
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