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MeetingPlan of Action for Pillar Three of the Global Soil Partnership 2015
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No results found.The Plan of Action for Pillar 3 stresses the enhancement of strategic collaboration within the global soils R&D community, with a main facilitating role of the GSP; provides pertinent background considerations on potential contribution of R&D to global economic growth, environmental sustainability and social development; and proposes a framework for implementation of concrete action plans and programmes. The present document addresses global issues, while not specifying thematic and geographic p riorities. In fact, the definition of R&D priorities is to be done at regional level via the Regional Soil Partnerships (RSPs). Since many of the required actions will be carried out by these RSPs, the recommendations are of broad nature, and should guide implementation in accordance with regional and national contexts and priorities. The main expected outcome under this pillar is the engagement of all potential actors to develop R&D strategies, invest resources and execute complementary actions towards agreed objectives bearing in mind all R&D possible dimensions (i.e., close gaps in knowledge, generate or improve technologies to solve problems, and support human development). -
MeetingPlan of Action for Pillar Five of the Global Soil Partnership.Harmonization of methods, measurements and indicators for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources
Tentative Agenda
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MeetingPlan of Action for Pillar One of the Global Soil Partnership 2013
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The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was formally established by members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during its Council in December 2012. The Council recognized soil as an essential natural resource, which is often overlooked and has not received adequate attention in recent years, despite the fact that production of food, fiber, fodder, and fuel critically depends on healthy soils. The Mandate of the GSP is to improve governance of the limited soil resource s of the planet in order to guarantee agriculturally productive soils for a food secure world, and support other essential ecosystem services, in accordance with the sovereign right of each State over its natural resources. In order to achieve its mandate, the GSP addresses the following five pillars of action to be implemented in collaboration with its regional soil partnerships: 1. Promote sustainable management of soil resources for soil protection, conservation and sustainable productivity; 2. Encourage investment, technical cooperation, policy, education, awareness and extension in soil; 3. Promote targeted soil research and development focusing on identified gaps, priorities, and synergies with related productive, environmental, and social development actions; 4. Enhance the quantity and quality of soil data and information: data collection (generation), analysis, validation, reporting, monitoring and integration with other disciplines; 5. Harmonisation of methods, measurements a nd indicators for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources. This document presents a plan of action for Pillar 1. Pillar 1 is strongly linked with Pillars 2 and 5 regarding activities for its implementation, and strongly relies on Pillars 3 and 4 for the generation of technical information that will be used in its activities. Pillar 1 is therefore the overarching Pillar upon which the other four Pillars will contribute in order to provide the context and activities for sustain able soil management implementation and promotion.
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