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Book (stand-alone)FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Southern Sudan, January 2011 2011
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With generally favourable rains and relatively few outbreaks of pests and diseases, cereal production, in the traditional sector, in 2010, is estimated at 695 000 tonnes, about 28.5 percent above the revised post-harvest estimates in 2009, when crops were severely affected by dry weather conditions. Localised dry spells last May and June as well as floods in August and September have affected yields in some areas Animal body conditions are satisfactory due to improved availability of pastu re and water; fishery is expected to yield above average catches this year. Cereal prices have generally declined in the third quarter of 2010, while livestock prices were on the rise, signifying that the terms of trade are now more favourable to pastoralists... -
Book (stand-alone)FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to DPR Korea, 25 November 2011 2011
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1. In DPRK, a total of just under 5.5 million tonnes of staple food production from cooperative farms, individual plots on sloping land and household gardens for 2011/12 is expected, including estimates for the 2011 main season harvest and forecast for the 2012 early season crops. This is about 8.5 percent higher than the revised near normal production in 2010/11 reflecting higher plantings and yields. When paddy is converted to milled rice and soybeans to cereal equivalent, the above total prod uction comes to 4.66 million tonnes. 2. The increase in production was mainly due to the increased availability of fertiliser (up about 50 percent compared to last year), diesel and electricity in spite of the adverse weather. The July-August floods affected paddy crop and the subsequent typhoons particularly impacted the maize crop mainly in North and South Hwanghae, two of the important grain producing provinces. 3. Soybean production this year increased to 254 000 tonnes (294 000 t onnes in cereal equivalent) or about 60 percent higher than the low level of last year. However, given the overall inadequacy of pulses, efforts should continue to increase the protein content of the diet. 4. This year’s poor harvest of early crops has resulted in the shortage of wheat, barley and potato seed for the 2012 winter and spring crops... -
Book (stand-alone)FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Lao, 18 March 2011 2011
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Most parts of Lao PDR experienced a prolonged dry period at the beginning of the 2010 main paddy cropping season which led to extensive re-sowing and late transplanting. Localized flooding later in the season resulted in loss of crops, especially in the south. At 3 million tonnes, expected national paddy production for 2010/11 (wet season of 2010 and dry season of 2010/11) will be approximately 6 percent down from 2009/10. Both paddy area and yields were lower this year than the last...
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